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Dining to Donate

We love hosting events to help raise money for local organizations and welcome the opportunity to partner with you. The Dining to Donate program provides an opportunity to raise money and host a fun day for your origination at one of our 3 restaurants. Eligible non-profit organizations earn a percentage of your total purcahase during the event!

Terms and Conditions

To qualify for the program, your organization must be a local non-profit 501 (c)(3) or an organization with a tax ID number. We will donate 15% of total sales* (*excluding tax and tip) during your fundraiser date. We will help provide Flyers and Social Media Marketing to help promote your event. We will calculate the donation amount and present a check to the organization leader. All events must be booked at least 4 weeks in advance.


A release form will be provided and must be signed and submitted by anyone from your organization who volunteers at your event. Volunteers who fail to submit a signed release to the restaurant on the day of the event, regretfully will not be permitted to volunteer. All volunteers must be over 14 years of age. You are not required to provide a volunteer for your event.


Are you registered as a 501(c)(3) orgaization?*